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Framework Classes

These are the classes and parameter settings for the Sapphire/Web Java Framework.

Name Description Ref. Page
encryptMod Specifies an encryption class 6-25
keyStr Specifies an additional argument for the login encryption 6-48
login Specifies whether the framework will force the user to login before attempting to retrieve any results for the master row set 6-50
loginDisable Specifies whether to disable the SetLogInfo button, thus disabling login initially. 6-51
loginHide Specifies whether to hide the SetLogInfo button, thus disabling login. 6-52
moreCol Specifies the row set column to use for "more" operations 6-54
numDetails Specifies the maximum number of details that can be used 6-56
paramSrc Specifies a URL to retrieve the Framework parameters 6-59
RsCF Specifies the class used to create Sapphire Framework row sets 6-63
safilter Specifies a comma-separated list of data filter objects to add a data filter to the Graph views of the Sapphire Java Framework Sa.SaGraphRowSet and Sa.SaGraphComp 6-93
safilterlabel A string (the menu item label for the data filter object) to be added to the Graph views of the Sapphire Java Framework: Sa.SaGraphRowSet and Sa.SaGraphComp 6-95
sastat Specifies a comma-separated list of statistical objects to add to the Graph views of the Sapphire Java Framework: Sa.SaGraphRowSet and Sa.SaGraphComp 6-112
searchStr Specifies the initial value of a search dialog for search operations 6-116
secure Specifies whether to use login encryption 6-117
stop Specifies whether to facilitate garbage collection of the master row set early 6-127
xCol Specifies the column of the row set used for the x-axis of the Graph views of the Sapphire Java Framework, Sa.SaGraphRowSet and Sa.SaGraphComp 6-134
yCol Specifies the column of the row set used for the y-axis of the Graph views of the Sapphire Java Framework, Sa.SaGraphRowSet and Sa.SaGraphComp 6-135

SaVj Classes
Name Description Ref. Page
DxMod Specifies the class used for data exchange functions 6-24
SaVj.Dx Data exchange routines for awt and any other Java object or component 6-113
SaVj.Vx Data validation routines for a variety of data formats 6-114
VxMod Specifies the class used for data validation functions 6-133

Interface Classes
Name Description Ref. Page
SaIndex Interface for generic indexing operations between any Java class and the row set 6-97
SaPop Interface for generic data exchange between any Java class and the row set. 6-97

Sa.Sa Classes
Name Description Ref. Page
Sa.SaComboSelectBox Gives the user a set of choices in a combo box 6-98
Sa.SaConsole Displays messages to user 6-99
Sa.SaDataFilter Interface for designing data transforms which can be dynamically loaded and applied to any row set with simple applet tags 6-100
Sa.SaDialog Interface for classes that are users of the Sapphire Dialog framework 6-101
Sa.SaFieldCheck Interface for designing data validation routines which can be dynamically loaded and applied to any row set with simple applet tags 6-102
Sa.SaFormat Interface for designing data format routines which can be dynamically loaded and applied to any row set with simple applet tags. 6-103
Sa.SaIParam Interfaces for passing parameters throughout the framework. 6-104
Sa.SaJavaDrill Implements the Sapphire drill down framework. Builds a large scale database application through applet tag specification. 6-105
Sa.SaJavaRowSet Provides a programmable object in the client browser. The framework is built around this class. 6-106
Sa.SaMsgBox Builds a set of labeled buttons for a user to choose from. 6-107
Sa.SaQueryBox Gives the user a text input to enter data and programmer the ability to supply a default string. 6-108
Sa.SaSelectBox Gives the user a set of choices in a scrolled list 6-109
Sa.SaStatistic Interface for designing statistics which can be dynamically loaded and applied to any row set with simple applet tags. 6-110
Sa.SaUtil Utility functionality for dynamic loading of classes, help functionality, HTTP calling, browser use, etc. 6-111

SaC. Classes
Name Description Ref. Page
SaC.CreditCard Implements the field check interface and checks that the data entered is in standard credit card format 6-68
SaC.Digits Implements the field check interface and checks that the data entered contains only digits 6-69
SaC.Email Implements the field check interface and checks that the data entered is a valid e-mail address format 6-70
SaC.IsLetters Implements the field check interface and checks that the data entered contains only alphabetic characters 6-71
SaC.IsState Implements the field check interface and checks that the data entered is the two letter abbreviation of one of the 50 states and capitalized 6-72
SaC.MinMaxCh Implements the field check interface and checks that the data entered contains at least a minimum but no more than a maximum number of characters 6-73
SaC.MinMaxInt Implements the field check interface and checks that the data entered is an integer numeric between two numbers 6-74
SaC.MinMaxVal Implements the field check interface and checks that the data entered is a numeric between two numbers 6-75
SaC.MonthName Coverts month numbers (1 through 12) to month names for the user to see 6-76
SaC.MonthNum Implements the field check interface and checks that the data entered is a valid month number (1 through 12) 6-77
SaC.MultiLine Displays data in multi-line format (good for large strings) even if the data base value has no newline characters 6-78
SaC.NotBlank Implements the field check interface and checks that the data field has not been left empty 6-79
SaC.SaAdds Implements a data filter interface and adds a number to each value. 6-80
SaC.SaExp Implements a data filter interface and raises each number by an exponent value 6-81
SaC.SaFirstWord All data entered by the user is trimmed of beginning and ending whitespace characters 6-82
SaC.SaLower All data is sent to lower case for the user 6-83
SaC.SaMoney Formats numeric data as money 6-84
SaC.SaMult Implements a data filter interface and scales each value by a number 6-85
SaC.SaTrimWs All data entered by the user is trimmed of beginning and ending whitespace characters 6-86
SaC.SaUpper All data is sent to upper case for the user 6-87
SaC.SaVariance Implements a statistic interface and calculates the sample standard variance 6-88
SaC.SSN Implements the field check interface and checks that the data entered is in a valid Social Security Number format 6-89
SaC.StdDev Implements a statistic interface and calculates the sample standard deviation 6-90
SaC.ZipCode Implements the field check interface and checks that the data entered is in a valid U.S. Zip Code format 6-91

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